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Advances in Digital Technology Encourage the Sharia

Economic Ecosystem

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – KH Miftachul Akhyar Rois Aam PBNU stated that advances in digital technology are driving a better sharia economic ecosystem. This was expressed during the Halal Bihalal with the theme “Purify the Heart, Strengthen the Economy and Relationships” which took place at the Miftachus Sunnah Islamic Boarding School (PP MS), Kedung Tarukan 100 Surabaya.

“Advances in digital technology are driving a better sharia economic ecosystem, so that strengthening the digital economic sector is part of the main strategy in encouraging sharia economic development in Indonesia,” he said in his official statement, quoted Monday (20/5/2024).

According to him, when the sharia economy continues to develop it will of course be supported by the development of Indonesia’s digital economy. Apart from that, Islamic boarding schools must also be ready to respond to current developments.

For example, Miftachus Sunnah Islamic boarding school, which is ready to produce a young generation of independent Muslims, with good morals and global competitiveness, is also responding to future challenges by launching NUNOMICS Miftachus Sunnah.

Apart from that, he explained that the tasyakuran which was also the soft launch of the NUNOMICS application was part of the commitment of future generations of Islamic boarding schools and especially the young generation of Nahdlatul Ulama in the process of adapting to future challenges which continue to transform to face current developments.

Norhadi MM, Head of the Miftachus Sunnah II Lakarsantri Surabaya Islamic Boarding School, who is also one of the initiators of NUNOMICS, added that the presence of NUNOMICS MS as a digital physical gold transaction feature in the first Islamic Boarding School exchange in Indonesia, is believed to be the beginning of the revival of the digital sharia ecosystem in Indonesia.

“This happens so that the ummah is empowered, Islamic boarding schools are empowered with economic independence, which will spur this nation to be competitive,” he added.

Furthermore, he stated, NUNOMICS does not offer digital gold, but physical gold with a purity level of 999.9 which is transacted using world market prices. The use of world market prices makes the physical price of gold in the NUNOMICS application more dynamic so that it is suitable for both the long and short term.

Just so you know, NUNOMICS MS physical gold transactions can be made starting from 0.01 gram, the aim is to make it easier for people to carry out physical gold transactions.

Physical gold transactions on the NUNOMICS application are directly supervised by CoFTRA as a regulatory institution, Jakarta Futures Exchange (JFX) as an exchange institution, Kliring Berjangka Indonesia (KBI) as a physical commodity clearing institution, Kinesis Monetary Indonesia and PT Pos Indonesia as the manager of physical gold storage, and ABI Commodity Futures as a trading intermediary.

Not only physical gold transactions, in the future NUNOMICS will provide an Umrah and Hajj service called Gold to Mecca. Through Gold to Mecca, prospective pilgrims can make payments for Umrah and Hajj packages using a system of saving physical gold which is collected in stages according to the targets required and the financial capabilities of each pilgrim.

With Gold to Mecca, prospective pilgrims can save with peace of mind because their cash and physical gold funds are stored separately in the name of their respective ownership, thus protecting the congregation from fraud and other crimes.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Kalianak Entrepreneurs Association, H Khoirul Huda, said that the presence of NUNOMICS MS provides an opportunity for the public to have direct market access to international pure metal trading.

“NUNOMICS MS is a further step for the Miftachus Sunnah Islamic Boarding School towards developing a society that is inclusive, fair and based on Islamic values ​​that are Rahmatan Lil Alamin,” he said.