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How To Optimize Images

Properly For Websites?

Image optimization for websites is one of the important components in SEO strategy. In fact, this image optimization is interrelated with the creation of quality content to optimize UX (User Experience).

If the images on the website are not optimized, it can affect the loading time of the page. If this continues to happen, it is likely to lower your website ranking.

Why is Image Optimization for Websites Important?

If you still underestimate image optimization for websites, then you need to listen to the reasons why image optimization is so important.

1. Increased Page Loading Speed ​​

  • Fast page loading is one of the important points on a website. Why is that? Because this is related to user experience. If the page takes a long time to load, it will result in a bad user experience.
  • Users tend to prefer websites that have fast page loading. So they can easily get the information they need, without having to wait a long time.
  • Long page loading can also increase the bounce rate. Of course, this condition is not good for SEO.
  • You don’t want users to have a bad experience when they are on your website, right?
  • Therefore, image optimization is needed to increase page loading speed and avoid increasing bounce rates.

2. Helping Users Get a Good Experience

  • When website access loads faster, users get a better experience. Therefore, users will be happy when surfing your website. Because they can get the information they need as quickly as possible.
  • The quality content you present becomes more attractive in their eyes. That’s why this image optimization is very much needed.

3. Helping Improve Website Ranking

  • Still related to the previous points, when the page loads quickly and is liked by many users, Google can detect that your website is of quality. So it deserves to be placed in a higher ranking.
  • Image Optimization Guide on Websites
  • After knowing the importance of optimizing images on a website, now is the time for you to start learning how to optimize them. Follow these steps.

1. Find Images That Are Relevant to the Discussion Context

  • The first step you need to pay attention to in optimizing images for a website is choosing images. Look for images that are relevant to the topic of discussion.
  • This is of course to prevent user confusion in understanding the content presented. So when you have created quality content, it will be in vain if you do not use relevant images.
  • Therefore, to provide a good experience for users, look for relevant images that reflect the content you are discussing.

2. Include an Appropriate File Name for the Selected Image

  • The next step you can do is to give the image file a name that matches the image. This means that if you choose a picture of a cow, then you need to include the word “cow” in it.
  • So, instead of using the name “IMG_3030_5.jpg” it would be better if you used the name “sapi-gemuk-idul-adha.jpg”.
  • But you also need to know that Google can actually detect what image you include. Okay, let’s take an example from the following image.
  • We will discuss an image that is named not according to the image, but Google can detect that the image is a cat.
  • Although currently Google’s algorithm technology has increased in terms of image recognition, including a file name that matches the image is still recommended for use.
  • Because even though it is sophisticated, Google can also be wrong. For example, in the following image.
  • Google detects that the image above is cheese, when in fact the image is butter. So the purpose of giving a file name according to the image is to help Google’s performance to better recognize the image you choose.
  • where, are you a little enlightened?

3. Provide Alt Text that Describes the Image

  • The next step in optimizing images for a website is to provide alt text that clearly describes the image. This alt text helps search engines recognize what image you include in the content.
  • If possible, you can also insert keywords from the discussion into the alt text. However, if it is not possible to include keywords, then it is best avoided.

4. Choose the Appropriate Image Format Type

Choosing the appropriate image format type is important in image optimization. Currently, there are at least 4 types of image formats that you can choose from, namely png, jpg, gif, webp.

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