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Popular Website Types, Which

One Is Suitable For MSMES?

Definition of Website

  • A website or website according to Wikipedia is a collection of interconnected web pages that are generally located on the same server containing a collection of information provided by individuals, groups, or organizations.
  • The more the purpose of creating a website and the awareness of the benefits of the website develop, the more varied the types of websites that exist.
  • Even the development of websites is not only for business purposes, but also for other things such as entertainment, for secret information channels, and so on.
  • Therefore, get to know the types of websites through this article, so that when you are going to build a website, you will know for sure what kind of website you really need.

Website Types

  • There are several types of the most popular websites that you will see all over the world when you surf the internet.
  • Although the parameters for classifying this type of website are still unclear, through this classification at least you will easily understand the various types of websites and their purposes.

1. Brochure Website

  • This website is a simple type of website. To save on website creation costs, you can adopt this type of website.
  • A company that needs a website but does not really consider the website as something important will usually only create a brochure model website.
  • The existence of a brochure website is as if it is only a formality for the existence of a company.
  • Brochure websites will be easy to find at the beginning of the internet. At that time, companies needed websites, but they did not make websites their main weapon to attract consumers.
  • Much different from now, where websites are the main weapon to attract consumers and create conversions.
  • Brochure websites are like brochures or online business cards. Therefore, there will only be information about the company, products, or services. Usually, users of this website have the ability to convert in other channels such as direct sales.

2. Personal Website

  • Many people have thoughts that need to be expressed. One way is to create a personal website to express their thoughts and share them with others.
  • Initially, maybe creating a personal website was just a place to write a pen. However, sometimes this website can actually develop into something that makes money.
  • With the amount of incoming traffic, even though the website is privately owned, it can make money with the existence of advertising.
  • Building a personal website is more ‘relaxed’ because there is no specific target and to make it grow can be done in the long term and while enjoying each step of its development.

3. Online Store Website (E-commerce)

  • The existence of smart phones makes everything easy, one of which is shopping activities.
  • Currently, to get certain products such as cosmetics, fashion, electronics, and so on, you don’t need to leave the house when you can order them through your device.
  • Application-based online stores are expected to dominate the market in the future. If using a smartphone, then the user must download the application.
  • Then if using a desktop, then the user only needs to open the website of the online store in question. Usually for transaction security, the service provider already has adequate security devices.
  • There are several steps that you must go through when building an e-commerce website, such as building a mobile application, getting an SSL certificate for transaction security, conducting research on user experience, and so on.

4. Business Website

  • Maybe this is the website that is often found. Business sites have the same goal as online store websites, namely getting customers or creating sales. However, the way it works and the form of the website will look different.
  • For a business website, a landing page is needed that will direct customers to make purchases or use services.
  • Roughly, it can be understood that an online store site uses a direct sales method, while for a business website, it sometimes requires several processes until the user buys a product or service.
  • Because this website relies on the position on the search results page, it is necessary to apply professional SEO practices.
  • In addition, this website also requires proper maintenance. Therefore, it is not uncommon for business websites to require website maintenance services in their management.
  • Currently, every business can be found on the internet. When a business or company is only listed on the Google My Business listing, it seems that the information that will be displayed on the GMB will be lacking.
  • Therefore, a business website is needed to provide more detailed information to customers.

5. Portfolio Website

  • If you are the owner of a service company engaged in fields such as design services, contractor services, and any service that wants to display samples or examples of your work to customers, you should build a portfolio website.
  • Customers will usually look more at what great things you have done before compared to your long explanation. Evidence of your masterpiece is what you can store on a portfolio website.
  • This website is usually owned by professional freelancers or companies engaged in these services. As with websites that are oriented towards targeting consumers, this website also includes contacts that can be contacted.

6. Media Website

  • Media websites usually display information that will later be conveyed to users. The information sent or displayed if referring to the definition of media is news information.
  • However, media websites do not only display news information. There are also entertainment websites that display silly things but are actually liked such as the 9gags website, pulsk, and so on.
  • This website can make money from advertising if it has many visitors. Or it can also be done by subscription registration.

7. Non-Profit Website

  • Non-profit websites are usually owned by humanitarian organizations. But sometimes there are also developers who create non-profit websites that are specifically used to collect donations.
  • One of the well-known websites for collecting donations from the public is KitaBisa.Com. Various social institutions use the Kita Bisa platform to obtain humanitarian funds.

8. Educational Websites

  • Educational websites are sites that are usually owned by educational institutions such as schools and universities.
  • This website usually displays the school’s identity, the school’s vision and mission, the latest information about the educational institution in question and maybe also a blog about school events.
  • However, currently the function of the school website is not only as a place to display the school’s identity, but has gone beyond that. On a more advanced website, it will display an attendance system, assessment or even payment like a university website.

9. Infopreneur Website

  • Have you ever taken an online tutorial class during the pandemic but through a website provided by the organizer? The website that contains courses, tutorials, videos or ebooks is an infopreneur website.
  • An infopreneur needs a website to build popularity in non-formal education. They, through their website, convince visitors that they know enough to make their educational products worth buying.
  • Usually this business is also done by producing an application platform that can be run on a smartphone.
  • They understand that communication channels via the internet have mostly shifted from large devices such as laptops or computers to portable devices such as smartphones.
  • Infopreneurs usually also provide valuable free content even though it is shared for free and premium content that they sell.
  • The infopreneur website serves as a central location for training or tutorials and also marketing efforts through their free content.

10. Portal Website

  • Portal websites are usually used for internal companies, organizations, or institutions. They collect information in different formats from different sources into one place.
  • The goal is to make all relevant information accessible to certain people who really need to be involved.
  • Portal websites will generally use more complicated programming and website design in their development.
  • Therefore, usually the company that handles the creation of this website is a specific company and of course such a website does not need to be tracked in search engines.

11. Wiki Website or Community Forum

  • Wiki is a website where various users can collaborate on content and all have the ability to make their own adjustments and changes as they wish.
  • An example is Wikipedia, every user can make changes to the information in it, although later there will be moderators who will regulate it.

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