Understanding Firebase: Definition
and Solutions for Integrated
Application Development
What is Firebase?
The first thing you need to know about Firebase is its definition. Firebase is a service published by Google that makes it easy for someone to develop an application, both web-based and mobile. Firebase has components that can manage databases, authentication, hosting, APIs and the like.
Firebase Functions
The functions of Firebase or the raw materials for an application are as follows:
-Creating Applications
As previously mentioned, the function of Firebase is to create applications. Where, the tools in Firebase can provide components for prospective applications that will be developed, both in web and mobile versions. Therefore, you must understand the Firebase components if you want to create an application.
-Improving Quality and Developing Applications
Not only in creating basic applications, for those of you who want to update the application or are assigned to develop the application, it is mandatory to understand Firebase. Because, Firebase is almost a basic component or raw material for making application software.
-Developing Your Business
If you understand Firebase well, of course you can develop your business better. Especially businesses in the software or software sector. So it is very guaranteed, you can provide updates to a software that is the theme of your business.
-Types of Firebase
After understanding the functions of firebase which are quite a lot, the next thing you need to know is the types of components that form the software. The types of firebase that you should know in order to build a comfortable and safe application are as follows:
-Cloud Messaging
The first type of firebase is cloud messaging. Where, cloud messaging is a firebase that is engaged in sending messages. Of course, the message can be operated through the help of android, ios, or web-based. You also get special advantages where you can adjust the message delivery time.
-Firebase Analytics
The next type of firebase is firebase analytics. Where, this firebase is tasked with getting analysis results and reports for applications based on Android and iOS. The analysis data obtained is very varied, starting from error data, notifications, acquisitions, effectiveness, to purchasing an application.
-Cloud Firestore
After cloud messaging, there is cloud firestore which has functions in storing, synchronizing, and creating application query data. This Firebase is very suitable as raw material for an e-commerce that requires a large server and very large data storage.
-Firebase Authentication
Firebase Authentication is a firebase that we know as UI. Where, this feature is used to authenticate data via social media or Google. This firebase UI service is very safe because there is a smartlock feature that is ready to provide you with convenience in storing passwords or personal information.
-Remote Config
The next type of firebase is remote config, where this type can update or optimize an application so that users are more comfortable. For those of you who want to develop an application, this type of firebase is very suitable because it is made specifically for application developers.
-Realtime Database
Firebase called realtime database is the original type of firebase and is stored in the form of data and synchronized by application users in real time. Where, the synchronization process can be done both offline and online and applies to Android and iOS. You can also find out the operating hours clearly because the nature of the firebase database is real-time.
-Firebase Hosting
The next type of firebase is firebase hosting. Where, firebase hosting is a hosting feature used in creating a website. This feature has an advantage over other firebases, namely speed and stability as well as security in displaying content on the application.
-Firebase Crashlytics
The last type of firebase that you should know is firebase crashlytics. As the name suggests, of course the basic function of this firebase is to detect or analyze error files in an application. Where these features are Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS which you can adjust to the features you need when operating firebase.
How to Use Firebase
Using Firebase is certainly quite easy for those who already understand it. However, basically Firebase is used to make application users able to utilize the features in an application properly. The data that has been launched can then be accessed again at a later time because it has been stored in real time. This data is synchronized online but can be stored on a local drive online or offline.
This Firebase can also be operated on several platforms, both Android, iOS and websites. You can choose a platform that suits your wishes and your respective needs. Which platform do you want to build your Firebase on in an application?
Advantages and Disadvantages of Firebase
Here are the advantages and disadvantages of firebase that you must know:
Advantages of Firebase
Firebase is the raw material for creating applications that have many types
Each type of firebase has its own advantages
Has a display that makes it very easy for users to access it
The documentation produced by firebase is neat and easy to understand
Firebase tutorials and samples can be learned easily
Disadvantages of firebase
Requires special understanding because there are many types with their respective capabilities
Must use various types of firebase in one application
Free firebase services generally have limited features
The upgrades needed are paid
Connections and storage for firebase are generally less
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