Top Level Domain TLD sumber Mitra IT | Your Trusted & Reliable Software Solutions

What Is A Domain And

Tips For Creating A Domain

What is a Domain?

  • A domain is a unique name that is intended to identify the server name by a network or computer server, such as a web server or email server on the internet. The domain name is used to make it easier for users to access the server.
  • Because to access the server requires an address that identifies the server. However, by default, the address is not in the form of a domain, but in the form of an IP address that is created when building the server.
  • An example of an IP address is as follows By accessing the IP address, you can log in to the website or webmail as if using a domain in general.
  • However, the IP address cannot directly explain the contents of the website because it is only a code and will be difficult to memorize.
  • That’s why there is a domain that you can use to outsmart this. With a domain, you can easily remember the website address you are looking for and you can know about the contents of the website from the domain name.
  • This domain is very important for those of you who are going to create a website. Because this domain is what you will use to access your website. To create a good domain, you can see at the end of this article about tips for creating a domain.

Domain Parts

  • Domains also have their own parts, generally the form of a domain is as follows ( In one domain, it has its own parts that have different types and functions.
  • There are at least 3 parts, top level domain (TLD), second level domain (SLD) and third level domain (TLD).

1. TLD

  • A top level domain is an extension at the end of a domain which is the top level of the domain name section on the internet. An example is, then the TLD is .com.
  • Other examples such as .net, .gov and there are still many variants circulating on the internet, the number reaches tens to thousands of variants that you can use. For more details about the number, you can visit the link, root domain.
  • However, from the many domain extensions, they are divided into two main types, namely country code top level domains and global top level domains which will be explained in the following paragraph.
  • Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD)
  • Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) is a domain extension that takes from the country code. For example, .id for Indonesia, .cn for China, .jp for Japan and .us for the United States.
  • This domain extension is usually used by a company website to show that the company is from that country. However, this ccTLD can also be used for other regions.
  • Global Top Level Domain (gTLD)
  • Global Top Level Domain (gTLD) is a common domain other than ccTLD. For example, .edu for educational websites, .org for organizational websites, .gov for government websites and many more examples.

2. SLD

  • Second level domain (SLD) is a name used to distinguish oneself from others, it can be a company name, username or service name. For example, (, then the SLD is “zekadigital”.
  • It is very important to create an SLD that is easy to remember. Because if you type it wrong, you can’t access the website. Therefore, make it easy to remember and easy to type. That way, users can easily access it.

3. Third Level Domain

  • Next is the last part of the domain, namely the third level domain or commonly known as a sub domain. In the example above, there is no sub domain, so here is an example of a sub domain (, the sub domain is “blog”.
  • This sub domain is used for additional websites that are still related to the main website, but usually have a different website structure. Examples are for web email, web blogs, web applications, and for web accounts.
  • However, it is not limited to that, there are many more uses for sub domains. Because this subdomain is the same as a separate website but is still related.
  • Many large companies use sub domains on their websites, for example Google, Facebook, and many others.

Domain Creation Tips

Next are domain creation tips, maybe this is the part you’ve been waiting for from the beginning. Because if you create an online website, you need a domain so that your website is easy for visitors to remember. Check out the following tips.

1. Creative, Easy to Remember & Type

  • The domain name that you will create should use creative words. It can be from the name of the service you offer or from the company you have. That way you can attract visitors just from the domain name.
  • Then it is easy to remember and type. Why is that? Because with easy to remember you can also easily build your website brand. And help your marketing become easier and better.
  • Then easy to type, this not only makes it easier for users, for someone who builds the website will also be facilitated by the existence of a domain that is easy to type, so many sides will be facilitated.

2. Short Domain

  • A short domain will reduce the time to type and make it easier to remember. for example, like, the domain is short and very easy for users to remember.
  • You can shorten the SLD or use a short extension or TLD.
  • However, to get a short domain, you may be charged more than a regular domain.
  • For example, in SLD, you can get a normal price with a minimum of 5 characters, less than that character you will pay a high price.

3. Adjust the Target

  • The next step is to adjust it to your target and purpose in creating a website. Because websites have many uses, depending on the website owner.
  • If you use a website for service needs, then create a domain according to the name of the service. That way you will be easy to remember and when optimizing SEO it will also be easier.
  • The extension you use must also be right. If your website is for services, then the domain extension must be appropriate. For example, using .edu for educational or learning websites.

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