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What Is Copywriting?

Definition & Formula Used

What is copywriting? Copywriting is the art and science of writing words that are interesting, persuasive, and encourage action. It is more than just writing ordinary content.

Have you ever seen an advertisement that makes you want to buy the product right away? If so, then you have felt the power of copywriting.

In the world of marketing, copywriting does have a very important role. When a business promotes its products or services with interesting marketing copy, the business can increase sales, build brand awareness, get more leads, and increase customer engagement. Therefore, it is important for businesses to understand what copywriting is and its formula.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is a technique for writing persuasive text to influence readers or target audiences to take certain actions. In the world of marketing, copywriting is a key element in communicating a strong message and building attraction to the products or services offered.

It should be understood that copywriting can also be likened to a Call to Action (CTA), but on a much larger scale. A good copywriter will create copy that not only invites people to take action, but also tries to make them feel, think, or respond to something. A copywriter must also be able to combine creativity with a deep understanding of the target audience to be able to create compelling text, able to attract attention, arouse interest, build desire, and encourage action.

Compared to blog posts that have hundreds of words to convey information, copywriters only have a few words to convey a message. This makes copywriting the art of conveying a message that is concise, dense, and impressive.

Copywriting Formula

Now that you understand what copywriting is, let’s learn the formula used in writing interesting text.


AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. This formula is a framework that is widely used in copywriting to explain the stages that the target audience goes through when they read a text.

Here is an explanation of the four stages in the AIDA formula and how copywriting should be adjusted to these stages:

  • Attention

The first stage is to attract the reader’s attention. This can be done by using a compelling headline, an eye-catching visual, or opening with a provocative question.

  • Interest

After grabbing the reader’s attention, the next step is to generate interest. This can be done by explaining the benefits of your product or service, telling a compelling story, or using testimonials from satisfied customers.

  • Desire

Once your target audience is interested in your product or service, you need to convince them to make a purchase right away. This can be done by emphasizing the benefits of your product or service, or by providing an offer that creates a sense of urgency.

  • Action

The final step in the AIDA formula is to get the reader to take action. After successfully grabbing attention, generating interest, and building desire, the copywriter provides a clear and compelling call to action. This can be an invitation to buy the product, sign up, contact them, visit your website, or take another desired action.

2. PAS (Problem, Agitate, Solution)

PAS stands for Problem, Agitate, and Solution. This copywriting formula is used to convince the target audience by pointing out the problem, magnifying the problem, and offering a solution.

Here is an explanation of the three stages in the PAS formula and how to use them to convince readers:

  • Problem

The first stage is to identify and show the problem faced by the target audience. This can be done by asking questions, providing statistics, or telling stories about other people’s experiences. For example: “Do you often feel tired and have no energy?”

  • Agitate

After pointing out the problem, the next step is to magnify the problem and make the target audience feel the need to find a solution immediately. This can be done by describing the negative consequences of the problem faced by the target audience, using emotional language, or providing real case examples. For example: “Chronic fatigue can cause various diseases, such as diabetes and coronary heart disease”

  • Action

The final step in the AIDA formula is to ask the reader to take action. After successfully capturing attention, generating interest, and building desire, the copywriter provides a clear and compelling call to action. This can be an invitation to buy a product, sign up, contact, visit a website, or take another desired action.

  • Solution (Solusi)

Tahap terakhir adalah menawarkan solusi yang tepat untuk masalah yang dihadapi target audiens. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menjelaskan manfaat produk atau layanan, memberikan testimoni dari pelanggan yang puas, atau menawarkan diskon atau promo. Contohnya: “Produk ini dapat membantu meningkatkan energi dan stamina.”

3. Formula 4C

Formula copywriting yang selanjutnya adala 4C yaitu singkatan dari Clear, Concise, Compelling, dan Credible. Keempat elemen tersebut menjadi elemen penting untuk menulis copywriting yang baik dan menarik.

Berikut adalah penjelasan mengenai pentingnya keempat elemen 4C dalam copywriting:

  • Clear (Jelas)

Copywriting yang baik haruslah jelas dan mudah dipahami. Target audiens harus dapat mengerti pesan yang disampaikan tanpa harus membaca ulang atau bertanya-tanya. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan bahasa yang sederhana, menghindari jargon, dan menyusun kalimat dengan logis.

  • Concise (Ringkas)

Copywriting yang baik haruslah ringkas dan padat. Orang-orang tidak memiliki waktu untuk membaca teks yang panjang dan bertele-tele. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menyampaikan pesan dengan singkat dan to the point. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan memilih kata-kata yang tepat, menghindari pengulangan, dan fokus pada poin-poin penting.

  • Compelling (Menarik)

Copywriting yang baik harus menarik dan memikat. Target audiens harus tertarik untuk membaca dan ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang produk atau layanan yang ditawarkan. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan bahasa yang kreatif, menceritakan kisah menarik, atau menggunakan humor.

  • Credible (Kredibel)

Kredibilitas sangat penting untuk membangun kepercayaan dengan target audiens. Pastikan informasi yang Anda sampaikan akurat dan tepercaya. Gunakan data dan statistik, sertakan testimoni dari pelanggan yang puas, atau tunjukkan penghargaan yang telah Anda dapatkan.

Dari penjelasan yang sudah kami sampaikan, Anda bisa lebih memahami apa itu copywriting dan formula yang banyak digunakan. Pada dasarnya, copywriting adalah teknik menulis teks yang bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian, membangkitkan minat, membangun keinginan, dan mendorong tindakan. Copywriting yang baik sangat penting dalam dunia marketing untuk meningkatkan penjualan, membangun brand awareness, dan mencapai tujuan bisnis lainnya.

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