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Crowded with Starlink, the existence

of RT RW Net is highlighted again

JAKARTA – RT RW Net is being talked about again following the arrival of Starlink to Indonesia. Although, the term RT RW Net appeared when internet networks and even smartphones were as busy as they are today. This term then appeared again in a different way.

Where RT RW Net is a term for an internet network that is used by individuals or groups and even organizations at the RT (Rukun Tetangga) or RW (Rukun Warga) level who without permission resell internet packages to third parties to make a profit. These individuals utilize internet connections from internet service providers (ISP) and redistribute them to local communities. This allows users in those environments to access the internet without having to subscribe directly to a large internet service provider.

Because it does not have permission as a reseller, RT RW Net is considered by Kominfo to be an illegal act. Reseller activities can only be carried out after fulfilling business permits from the central government. “The existence of RT RW Net is more worrying than Starlink,” said Alvin Iskandar Aslam, Group Head Regulatory & Government Relations at XL Axiata, to Okezone.com in a joking tone.

Alvin explained, from the company side, coordinating with the government, starting from the Ministry of Communication and Information, the Association of Internet Service Providers (APJII), and the Association of Indonesian Telecommunications Providers (ATSI). His party supports the ban on illegal practices for RT RW Net by the government.SOURCE : CNBC INDONESIA