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Elon Musk Ignores Government, Asked

To Open X Office In RI

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia X is the only social media operating in Indonesia but does not have an official representative office.

Initially, when it was still called Twitter, the microblog platform from the US had a representative office in Indonesia. However, after being acquired by Elon Musk and changed to X about 2 years ago, they were recorded as no longer having an official office.

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) admitted that it had contacted X to open a representative office in Indonesia. However, until now the request has been ignored by Elon Musk and has not received a response from X.

The Minister of Communication and Informatics (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi said that X is a foreign technology company operating in Indonesia but does not have a representative office.

Budi said that his party is currently communicating with X but has not found any results.

“Not yet (there has been a response from Elon Musk),” he said.

He also said that it is unfair for other platforms that have representatives in Indonesia. This is the issue that Kominfo continues to pursue.

“Specifically for X, the Director General is currently comprehensively reviewing strategic steps for X,” said Budi.

“Wait, if it has been leaked, it must be matured first, then when the time comes it will be announced to friends,” he added.

Opening an office in the operational area, such as Indonesia, he said, will also make it easier for the government to communicate if certain actions are needed.

He previously said that with the absence of an X representative office in Indonesia, matters including if there is a problem with X will take a very long process.