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New Mode Of Fraudsters Draining Accounts Using NFC, Balance

Jakarta, CNBC IndonesiaAutomatically Wiped Out Almost all the latest smartphones are supported by the Near Field Communication (NFC) feature. However, the ease of scanning this card is also exploited by cybersecurity perpetrators to commit their crimes.

In a finding from cybersecurity firm Eset, cybersecurity perpetrators use malware to carry out fraud. Malware called NGate is designed to steal contactless payment data from physical credit and debit cards belonging to victims.

The mode will start with the victim receiving a text. This can be anything, one of which is related to their tax refund problem.

They are also asked, in an urgent manner, to install a certain application on their cellphone. It turns out that the application requested to be installed is the NGate malware.

When the victim enters the intended platform, a number of personal accesses can be collected. Including the victim’s data, the perpetrators also managed to pocket it.

Next, the perpetrator will call the victim. They pretend to be bank employees and repeat the message sent previously.

The victim will be asked to change the PIN number and verify the card to protect themselves. Furthermore, the victim is asked to activate the card on the NFC scanner on the cellphone.

The NFC data will be sent to the perpetrator’s cellphone. They will imitate it and make a transaction to withdraw money from an ATM. In this way, the perpetrator can get funds without having to steal physical access to the victim’s card, quoted from Phone Area, Tuesday (10/9/2024).

This crime has reportedly attacked three banks in the Czech Republic. Six NGate applications were found outside the Play Store.

Meanwhile, Google denied that malware was in applications in the Play Store. The company’s Play Protect feature will warn users and block malicious applications.

Phone Arena provides a number of tips to avoid becoming a victim of fraud. One of them is not to send any personal information to other parties, including PINs, online.

Contact the company requesting access to the message received to verify. Official service contacts can be obtained through search engines such as Google.